The logotype

The logotype was drawn by the sons of Sergio Vieira de Mello. It refers directly to the mathematical theory of sets which states that every set is part of a larger whole. The work of Sergio and now of the Foundation is to bring individuals together (the subsets) to make them live together and form a unique set. For that reason the name of the Foundation and its logotype surround the sets represented here by the five continents.

The blue color refers to the work of Sergio in the UN while the black gradient recalls his independence of mind towards the UN institution.

Finally, Latin America, which Sergio came from, is highlighted using a bigger size and a clear color.

The logotype is the core element of the Foundation’s visual identity. It is to be used in accordance with an unalterable set of rules which govern its design, the colors to be used, its exclusion area and minimum size.

It is protected and subject to the Foundation’s approval prior to any use.

